What Mahad Stands For?
Houston, Texas | 2001-1422H
In the light of Moula RA words, Mahad Al-Zahra USA's mission is to promote the memorization of Al-Quran throughout North America, and the study and mastery of its associated sciences, arts, and knowledge. This guiding visison has carried it's flagship programs through their inception to today, where over 70 alumni have sucessfully become Huffaz al-Quran. We continue to work towards our Moula TUS goal, that every house in North America be blessed with a Hafiz.
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Fakhri Makan is a testament to the pride Hifz al-Quran brings to households. The name was given by His Holiness Dr. Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS on the day of its innaguration, the Urs of Syedna Ismail Badruddin RA